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Thanks for u always wrote the CH for me, cuz I knew many chinese words u forgot how to write. Lol. Thanks for u always be a great guy, the best temper n patience n tolerate for me in everything. We must like u said in the strange animals card that how we can meet in the timing, how we can fit so match for eah other. Now I really expect we would be the best half for each other in the future.

Finally I should tell u the same words like u always said " u r the BEST n Luv U" to me. ♥

Many thanks can't express my heart just only do n pay out for each other in all time. BTW happy n happiness that is always what we did/do n enjoy it n it will happen continued, like both of us love the perfume of ISSEY MIYAKE perfume for woman n homme then we found gradually our savor really resemble for many things a. Ha ha.

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友: 你應該喜歡瘦瘦身材好的男生吧~呵呵

喵: 並沒有= =" 我喜歡有點肉有點胖胖的男生

友: (大驚)

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看著學長手冊, 名單一個接著一個........


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