Life, Love, all we live just happy n happiness, who knows how long we can live, then we love hard n happy when we together. Both of us knew timing is really important but treasure is more important n can get along with each other is the most important.
Tks for all u did for me just can say thank u n I will treasure too. Really thank u about ur deeply breath. Ha ha. :)
Oh. Now I wait around 1.5 hrs. Lol so long a. N stay near a terrible place. :(
Btw the ending of "Last Night" is not really well. How the amd can gave 7.1 score a. Lol. But man still do that thing but woman did it deeply in heart. No good or bad, no right or wrong, just see which one is what u want n what u need then that is the really cheat. Lol.
Don't do that a. Lol. Or water sun flower will get her show time a. Ha ha. Luv u.
2 couple ate 2 meals in three hrs, that's so amazing.
菜單第一頓:兩份大pizza, 一份Pasta, 一份燉飯, 一份焗烤, 一份凱薩沙拉。(第一頓吃完四個人完全沒有飽的Fu. Lol )
接著第二噸:蒼蠅頭, 口水雞, 苦瓜鹹蛋, 五更腸旺,辣炒茄子, 外加四碗白飯。(終於有飽的感覺)........... Like Elio said that both of "us" found the soul mate finally. Lol. ♥